Gemini Crystals (May 21 - June 20)
Gemini Crystals (May 21 - June 20)

Pearl As Gemini’s primary birthstone, pearls have a soothing effect on them. As you may know, people born under this sign are the life of the party.
Moreover, they have the tendency to overthink or be anxious about certain things.
Did you know that in Vedic astrology, wearing pearls can help a Gemini gain stability in life? Also, it can help boost their confidence. In its milky sheen, it captures sorrow and joy, sickness and health, life, and loss. It’s a stone that encourages all who wear her to bring absolute balance into their life.
Agate Agate is known to assist in opening the throat chakra, therefore helping with public speaking and easily speaking one’s truth. It is known to bring calm to a scattered mind and an anxious person. This is one of the main reasons it is such a brilliant stone for Gemini, it is able to bring them into a state of calm and helps them bring balance to their twin-like nature. Agate is also great at inducing grounding and transmuting negative energy into positive.
Moonstone is the birthstone of Gemini – a stone of new beginnings, synchronicity and intuition. Known to dissolve irritability and calm the emotions, moonstone brings about synchronicity and opens the mind to new possibilities – making it great to use for manifesting something new or positive transitions.
It is perfect for Gemini because it is known to help with decision making, when a Gemini is feeling indecisive or lost then reaching for a Moonstone could bring the clarity they need. Moonstone brings deep levels of healing to the body and to the feminine energies of its user. It can help Gemini’s regulate their ever wavering emotions and bring balance to their twin-like nature. Moonstone is also an amazing stone to assist with any female reproductive issues. If you are a Gemini who is feeling scattered, emotional and unable to regulate yourself right now, then grab a Moonstone today and keep it with you until you feel better.
eye Something interesting about this crystal: its rich striped appearance is due to quartz and iron and produces an optical effect known as chatoyancy (“chat” means cat in French).
Its sunny yellow color signifies the ability to manifest while the brown color reflects Earth’s energies. It helps stabilize Gemini so their ideas can easily be manifested. Plus, it’s helpful in balancing this sign’s dual nature. It aids in making them a little less stubborn and boosts mental strength to satisfy their intellectual curiosity.