Sagittarius Crystals (November 22 - December 21)
Sagittarius Crystals (November 22 - December 21)

Beryl Soothe and soft Beryl is one of the most calming stones out there. Its gentle nature makes it a centered match for Sagittarians who can sometimes take on the God of Jupiter’s stormy and whirlwind like energy. Beryl is one of those stones that opens up channels of the body, ensuring that chakras are open from tip to toe so that smooth energy can pass right through. It is a talisman birthstone for Sagittarians who find themselves off-kilter and blocked and can help restore stability even when this hectic sign feels on the brink of burnout. Other soft hearted stones to match with Beryl can be the angel energy of Selenite.

Turquoise The shimmering ocean stone of Turquoise is all sweet flowing water energy that is ever ready to balance out the fire element of the Sagittarius star sign. Bringing its soothing touch and deep healing, Turquoise helps to balance out emotions and open up the throat chakra so clear hearted communication can flow through. Turquoise also has a strong amplifying quality which means that it can help Sagittarians to make the most of their spiritual side and remain open to receiving the words and messages the universe may have to offer. Finally, Turquoise brings a harmonizing element that can keep masculine and feminine energies in check.

Amethyst One of the most beloved spiritual stones in the pack, Amethyst helps Sagittarians to get out of their head and into their spiritual space. If given the chance and the right nurturing, Sagittarians have an abundance of spiritual potential and can leap into higher modes of thinking and even form psychic connections. Amethyst works closely with the crown chakra to facilitate that great awakening and to set the Sagittarian in good stead for welcoming cosmic consciousness. Even beyond the spiritual element, Amethyst is an incredibly calming stone and will soothe any anxious thoughts and feelings that may be tripping the archer up along the way. As Sagittarians also have a restless side and are forever scanning the horizon for the next best thing, Amethyst can serve as a sweet purple-hued reminder to practice stillness.

Amazonite is a stone that can help you speak the truth, speak with confidence and help communicate harmoniously. Wear on days where you have to give speeches or prepare for meetings. It’s also great for balancing male and female energies. Amazonite opens the solar plexus, heart, and throat chakra. The overall benefits of this stone can help you align your energy points and physical body