Virgo Crystals (August 23 - September 22)
Virgo Crystals (August 23 - September 22)
Agate is a calming crystal that helps relieve tension in a stressed-out Virgo. It unlocks their emotional side, helping them step out of their shell and open up to people. Virgos tend to be serious with a mask of strength that squashes how they truly feel. These repressed emotions cause inner suffering and can resurface down the line. Agate prevents confusion by helping the wearer deal with these feelings early on.
The heart chakra is most affected by Agate. Its soothing energy works on opening the heart and enables the giving and receiving of pure love. This crystal is particularly great when it comes to goal-setting, which, for people who fall under the Virgo zodiac sign, is music to their ears. Targets for self-betterment are met with warm and encouraging energy, especially if they're related to health, fitness, and nutrition. Likewise, Agate supports goals that aim to change the world for the better, something constantly in the back of a Virgo's mind.

Amazonite is awesome for Virgos who just don't know when to stop. Perfectionism can be a real issue. It's great to want to make something as good as it can possibly be, but where do you draw the line? Amazonite helps Virgos release their obsessive need to make things perfect. It encourages them to accept imperfection and be able to move onto the next venture without regrets. That's not to say don't give it your all; just know when enough is enough.
Amazonite brings balance to the emotions, helping Virgos navigate the storm of their heart. It dramatically reduces fear and anxiety, letting the late summer souls relax from time to time. Getting into touch with their emotions allows Virgos to develop more empathy too. They tend to have their way of doing things, preferring not to be micromanaged, but Amazonite brings other people's views and opinions into perspective. Not everything has to be a battle for control.
Fluorite is one of the best Virgo crystals because of its light and airy energy. Virgos are often overly serious—usually because they have a lot going on and are trying to juggle a dozen things at once. Fluorite encourages them to slow down and enjoy the little moments. It injects fun into mundane tasks, putting a smile on their face rather than a frown. It brings inner peace by calming the mind and stopping thoughts from vying for your attention. It's known as a natural stress neutralizer.
Virgos are often trying to improve themselves, driven by their own critical eye directed inwards. Whoever wears Fluorite can take on new information and store it faster and for longer. It improves memory and is the perfect conduit for learning.
Amethyst is popular for a reason. It's the ultimate soother, bringing a Virgo's stress level down to zero with its calming influx of energy. It's commonly referred to as Nature's Tranquilizer because of its serene effects on the body. That slice of heavenly peace you feel while alone in quiet solitude? Amethyst brings that state to the forefront. It's excellent for helping Virgos remain mindful, connecting spirituality with the thinking mind, and revealing how to simultaneously be spiritual and analytical.
Virgos tend to over-sacrifice themselves in relationships, giving too much attention to their partners and not enough to themselves. This can be kept in balance by using Amethyst. Not just a stone of peace, it's also symbolic of love and helps you accept what cannot be changed. Through the acceptance of what is, Virgos can improve their relationships and understand their partners more fully. Needless negativity in the home becomes a thing of the past. In its place lies positive and uplifting energy—something that all Virgos thrive on, whichever stage of life they're in.